Data Formats

Data TypeDescription
AmountPayment amount, in two decimal places. 21000.00
Date if BirthYYYY-MM-DD format e.g. 1975-04-05
Phone NumberThe phone number of the user, including the international country code prefix: +44 1234567890
IP AddressThe IP address from where user signed up on your platform.
Both IPv4 and IPv6 formats are supported
IPv4: - A standard 32-bit numeric address represented in dotted decimal notation.
IPv6: 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001 - A 128-bit address represented in hexadecimal colon-separated notation
TimestampsAll timestamps for fields such as createdAt and updatedAt are represented in Unix epoch time.
Country CodesCountry codes are represented in 2 letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 formats. e.g. GB for United Kingdom
Currency CodesCurrency codes codes are represented in 3 letter ISO 4217 formats. e.g. GBP for Pound Sterling