Eagle Net is Fiat Republic’s internal network for instant payments within the Fiat Republic platform. This means that payments between 2 Fiat Republic accounts are processed in real-time 24/7/365 even if the 2 accounts are owned by different members.

How does it benefit me?

We understand the importance of liquidity and how critical it is for our clients to reduce the “time in flight” of funds.

Fiat Republic has a growing list of crypto liquidity providers that have accounts with Fiat Republic. Therefore with Eagle Net, you can receive and settle fiat funds between these liquidity providers instantly.

How do I use Eagle Net?

Eagle Net is available both via the Fiat Republic API as well as the Dashboard.

Eagle Net via API

For transferring funds between 2 of your own accounts, create a payment providing the id's of the respective fiat accounts in the fromId and toId fields, and EAGLE_NET_TRANSFER as the paymentScheme.

curl --request POST \
     --url https://sandbox.fiatrepublic.com/api/v1/payments \
     --header 'Accept: application/json' \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer ZmlhdHJlcHVibGljOmZpYXRyZXB1YmxpYw==' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data '
    "fromId": "fac_ejl2vpn1m305rxko6b",
    "toId": "fac_oka2yeb7y6d15np3jv",
    "reference": "Eagle Net to Own Account",
    "amount": "2000.00", 
    "paymentScheme": "EAGLE_NET_TRANSFER",
    "metadata": {}

For sending an Eagle Net payment to another Fiat Republic account that you do not own, create a payee using the bank details of the destination fiat account. Fiat Republic will automatically detect that the bank details provided are for another fiat account and will return EAGLE_NET_TRANSFER in the paymentSchemes field in the response body indicating that the Payee can be paid via Eagle Net.

   "name":"Satoshi Nakamoto",
   "bankDetails": {
        "accountNumber": "12341234"

For any payees that have EAGLE_NET_TRANSFER in paymentSchemes, create a payment by providing the source fiat account id and the payee id in the fromId and toId fields respectively, and EAGLE_NET_TRANSFER in the paymentScheme field.

curl --request POST \
     --url https://sandbox.fiatrepublic.com/api/v1/payments \
     --header 'Accept: application/json' \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer ZmlhdHJlcHVibGljOmZpYXRyZXB1YmxpYw==' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data '
    "fromId": "fac_ejl2vpn1m305rxko6b",
    "toId": "pye_bka8yeb7y6d15np3lk",
    "reference": "Eagle Net another Fiat Account",
    "amount": "2000.00", 
    "paymentScheme": "EAGLE_NET_TRANSFER",
    "metadata": {}

Eagle Net via Dashboard

For transferring funds between 2 of your own accounts, select the Make Transfer option on the relevant Fiat Account on the Dashboard.

For sending an Eagle Net payment to another Fiat Republic account that you do not own, you simply need to create a regular Payee and Fiat Republic will automatically recognise it as an Eagle Net eligible account and process the payment via the internal network. In the Payee list, Payees that are eligible for Eagle Net payments are labelled with a Fiat Republic Eagle logo.