Validation Regexes

Introduction to Validation Regexes

To ensure data consistency and compliance, we are implementing stricter validation rules for certain fields within our API. This involves restricting the character sets allowed for specific objects, as detailed below.

📘 Note!
will in the snippets below illustrate modifications that will go live on March 28, 2025

First/middle/last name for Individual End User

first name
        now ^\p{L}(?:[\p{L} '.-]*\p{L})?\.?$
        will ^[a-zA-Z](?:[a-zA-Z '.-]*[a-zA-Z])?\.?$

last name
        now ^'?\p{L}([ \p{L}'-]*[\p{L}])?$
        will ^'?[a-zA-Z]([ a-zA-Z'-]*[a-zA-Z])?$

middle name
        now ^\p{L}(?:[\p{L} '.-]*\p{L})?\.?$
        will ^[a-zA-Z](?:[a-zA-Z '.-]*[a-zA-Z])?\.?$

Address for Individual and Business End User

address line1 (the same for line2)
        now  ^[\p{L}0-9 .'\-/,)(⁰°#"]*[\p{L}0-9]+[\p{L}0-9 .'\-/,)(⁰°#"]*$
        will ^[a-zA-Z0-9 .'\-/,)(⁰°#"]*[a-zA-Z0-9]+[a-zA-Z0-9 .'\-/,)(⁰°#"]*$

        now  ^[\p{L}0-9 .'\-/,]*[\p{L}0-9]+[\p{L}0-9 .'\-/,]*$
        will ^[a-zA-Z0-9 .'\-/,]*[a-zA-Z0-9]+[a-zA-Z0-9 .'\-/,]*$

        now  ^[\p{L}0-9 .'\-/,)(+]*[\p{L}0-9]+[\p{L}0-9 .'\-/,)(+]*$
        will ^[a-zA-Z0-9 .'\-/,)(+]*[a-zA-Z0-9]+[a-zA-Z0-9 .'\-/,)(+]*$

postal code (for Countries NOT in (BG, EE, IE))
        now  ^[\p{L}\d][\p{L}\s\d\-]{1,8}[\p{L}\d]$
        will ^[a-zA-Z\d][a-zA-Z\s\d\-]{1,8}[[a-zA-Z]\d]$

Registration/trading address for Business End User regex is the same as for regular address.

Company/trading name for Business End User

now  [\p{L}0-9\s',£€¥'':/«»"".?\-+()]+
will [a-zA-Z0-9\s',£€¥'':/«»"".?\-+()]+

Payee name:

now  ^[ \p{L}0-9.'\-/&]+$
will ^[ a-zA-Z0-9.'\-/&]+$

Important: Failure to adhere to these validation rules may result in issues during account creation.