Payees are external bank accounts to which payments can made from Fiat Accounts and Virtual Accounts. Different types of payments can be made to the same Payee depending on the bank details provided for the Payee at the time of creation.

Please be informed that payouts to Payees of different entities (owners) are forbidden. This means that only the End User who is the owner of the Payee, may initiate payments to it.

On creation, Payee's address object is required regardless of currency.
Creating Payee without providing this information will result in getting 400 Bad Request response.

Payee address can be updated (excluding the country). The format of the request does not change.

Additional details required only for USD Payees:

To create a USD Payee, the following additional details must be provided as part of the Payee's object:

  • address: State field (however for non US addresses it can be province, voivodeship, region)
  • bank details:
    • IBAN + BIC (optional bank country) - for IBAN countries
    • Account Number + BIC + Bank Country - for non-IBAN countries

The bankDetails required for a Payee depend on the currency and the type of payment you want to make to the Payee.

CurrencyRequired FieldsSupported Payment Schemes
bankDetails.routingCodeType (SORT_CODE)
UK Faster Payments - FPS
SEPA Credit Transfer - SCT
bankDetails.routingCodeType (BSB)
Direct Entry - DE

When a Payee is created, the response contains a paymentSchemes param which tells you the Payment Schemes via which the created Payee can be sent a payment.


ℹ️️ Review Process

To maintain the highest standards of compliance and effectively restrict third-party payments, a Compliance Review is automatically initiated when there is a discrepancy between the Payee's name and the End User's name, ensuring all Payment processes are transparent and secure.

We work on Compliance Review during business hours.

Payee Statuses

Payee StatusDescription
CREATEDPayee has been created on Fiat Republic.
AWAITING_APPROVALPayee is going through 4 eyes check review
PROCESSINGPayee creation is ongoing.
ACTIVEPayee is active and is ready to use
REJECTEDPayee was not in line with Fiat Republic Acceptable Use Policy or creation was rejected by the Member as part of 4 eyes check
DELETEDPayee is unavailable